Added new door styles: B5 Quill White, B6 Cloud Grey, B7 Valhalla Blue, B8 Natural Timber, E3-Sage Green
Added new miscellaneous products: Stain/Lacquer-B5, Stain/Lacquer-B6, Stain/Lacquer-B7, Stain/Lacquer-B8, Stain/Lacquer-E3, TOUCHUP-Kit B5, TOUCHUP-Kit B6, TOUCHUP-Kit B7, TOUCHUP-Kit B8, TOUCHUP-Kit E3
Updated products and modifications price
Discontinued BDD21, CO12, FSVA24, PDDL27, PDDU27-A, PDDU27-B, PDDU27-C, RPV60-15, RPV72-A, SVA24P, V48B, WDM10, WF1236
New projects in catalog:
Project "Glosiness"
Drawer Front Bin for sink cabinets
Wine Cabinets
Advanced graphics technology - Size 512x512 pixels for textures finishes
Automatic Molding Placement on Hoods
Mullion Doors and Glass Modification Improvement