Added New Sspec
Deleted Products
Deleted Finishes: Evergreen Java, Saffron, Saffron Java, Saffron Slate
Deleted Door Styles: Barcelona Oak, Modesto Cherry, Modesto Hickory, Modesto Maple, Modesto Oak
Deleted Price Categories: Barcelona OAK, Modesto MPL
Changed SKUs and Descriptions in Some Products
Deleted Modifications: WTDCPL, WTDCPR, HZ (Horizon Mullion Doorstyle), MS (Mission Mullion Doorstyle), PT (Portico Mullion Doorstyle), CB, DSOIN, HPOIN.
Changed SKU from IDKVF1 to IDKVF
Updated Prices for Products
Added New Products
Updated Prices for Modifications
Corrected Graphic and Size DDK - ADD 4 MORE DIVIDERS
Applied New Projects for ProKitchen 11 version
Added Graphic for Vertical Lift Hinges (SKUs - W____LD, W____SDLD,WVC____, DC____LD) in Products
Added Graphic for Stay Lift Hinges (SKU - WTC____) in Products
Added Graphic for Bifold Cabinet Hinges (SKU - WDVC____) in Products