Updated Catalog Logo
Updated Specification "DESIGNERS CHOICE PRODUCT MANUAL FINAL_01.31.25.pdf"
Added New Door Styles Jupiter FP, Jupiter SRRP, Vail
Added New Stain Finishes: Mink, Stone and Suede on Maple, Red Oak, Cherry; Paint Finishes: Dewdrop, Dockside, Eggshell, Laurel, Moccasin, Reefpoint, Spruce
Added Modification One-Lite Door for Jupiter and Vail Door Styles
Added New Manufacturer Report
Added New Products - AVW24-AVW96
Removed 5% deduction on Red Oak Wood Species
Discontinued Pewter Line Glaze and Pewter Wiped Glaze
Discontinued Products - BFOL6POPP, OEC24, PML600SM, PML1000SM, PML1500R, PSL600SM, PSL1000SM
New Projects for ProKitchen:
Dependency of Options in Products and Modifications