Added New PDF
Corrected Depth and Images for Products: Appliance Garage Lift Door (AGL__)
Renamed SKU, Images, Descriptions, Size: BLOWER500 to BLOWER600; BLOWER390 to BLOWER400
Added New Modifications: SFF, CSDOOR
Renamed Products Name, Descriptions: BAS to SBA; BDSV___V to SBVD___V; BFS__ to FSB__; BSC_4833 to SBC_4833; BSV_ to SBV; BS__ to SB__; B24SWC to B24SWCB4; B24FHSWC to B24FHSWCB4
Renamed Products Name, Descriptions, Depth
Added New Products: B21SWC, B24SWCB2, B24SWCB3, B21FHSWC, B24FHSWCB2, B24FHSWCB3, Blind Corner Wall (27” High – WCL__27, WCR__27)
Added Images for Modifications: FBTM, MBTM, FINTK, RC, RB, RBL, RBR
Deleted SKU