Added new pdf
Added Price Categories - P11 Dann Maple, P10 Jessup Maple, P4 Perry Maple, P1 Bagley Oak, P3 Bagley Maple
Added Wainscot Panels
Changed Price Categories - Adams Maple from 4 to 5, Baxter Maple from 3 to 4, Baxter Oak from 1 to 2, Concord Maple from 6 to 7, Copenhagen Maple from 7 to 8, Dalton Maple from 7 to 8, Duncan Maple from 12 to 13, Jacobsen Maple from 10 to 11, Newport Maple from 7 to 8, Stafford Maple from 6 to 7, Stafford Oak from 3 to 4
Deleted Door Styles – Pacifica, Jamison, MacKenzie, Chelsea
Corrected graphics for Door and Drawer Styles
Updated Prices for Moldings
Updated Prices for Products - BLOWER1100, BLOWER400, RF500
Added Modification MATF-T.
Corrected Prices for Modifications – MATF-T, APFL-PNL
Renamed Folders Angle Wall to Diagonal Wall, Angle Lazy Susan to Diagonal Wall w/Lazy Susan, Angle Stacked Cabinets to Stacked Diagonal Wall, Angle Wall w/Appliance Garage Door to Diagonal Wall w/Lower Door, Angle Peninsula to Diagonal Wall Peninsula, Diagonal Sink Base to Angled Corner Sink Base, Diagonal Sink Front to Angled Corner Sink Front without Sink Floor, Diagonal Corner Super Susan to Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door and Lazy Susan, Diagonal Corner Base to Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door, Corner Angle Door to Corner Door
Changed SKUs for Diagonal Wall, Diagonal Wall w/Lazy Susan, Stacked Diagonal Wall, Diagonal Wall w/Lower Door, Diagonal Wall Peninsula , Angled Corner Sink Base, Angled Corner Sink Front without Sink Floor, Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door, Angled Corner Sink Front Bottom, CCM to SWVCRM8, TCM4 toCLTCROWN8, FOSCRN to SACROWN8, OM to BBMFB8, STM to STR8, TSTM to SFM8, WCM to VFR8, UCM to SOFFITA, CPESB to CPE8, BAT to SM8, BS8 to SHM8, SC to SCRIBE8, SC-5PK to SCRIBE8-5PK, SC-1.25 to BATTEN8, LGOC to LOSC8, OC to OCM8, MIR-MLD to WFM8, RF390 to BLOWER400, RF960 to BLOWER1100
Renamed TDKU-01 to TDKU, TDK9-01 to TDK9, CAD2418 to CD2424, CAD2718 to CD2727 and Changed Images and Graphics
Changed Description for Diagonal Wall Cabinets, Diagonal Wall w/Lazy Susan, Stacked Diagonal Wall, Diagonal Wall w/Lower Door, Diagonal Wall Peninsula, Angled Corner Sink Base, Angled Corner Sink Front without Sink Floor, Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door, BBMFB8, VFR8, CPE8, SFM8, SWVCRM8, SM8, SHM8, BATTEN8, WFM8
Changed Images for Diagonal Wall Cabinets, Diagonal Wall w/Lazy Susan, Stacked Diagonal Wall, Diagonal Wall w/Lower Door, Diagonal Wall Peninsula, Angled Corner Sink Base, Angled Corner Sink Front without Sink Floor, Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door and Lazy Susan, Diagonal Base w/Full Height Door, SWVCRM8, SACROWN8, BBMFB8, STR8, SFM8, VFR8, SOFFITA, CPE8, SBM8, SM8, SHM8, SCRIBE8-5PK, SCRIBE8, BATTEN8, LOSC8, OCM8, WFM8, BLOWER400, BLOWER1100, BRC36, BLS36, WKO_, ASH_, MRAV_, Box Hoods, WHPSVF_, WHPAVR_, WHC36, EWH_, CWH_, CABMAT_, BCK313, BCKM306, BCKM609, CVC406, LAC309, LAC314, LPC311, WCP_30, WCP_36, WCP_42, SCW2427, SCW2439, SCW2442, SCW_, ICB24, SBD_, VLC, WBK_
Changed Graphics for Diagonal Wall Cabinets, Diagonal Wall w/Lazy Susan, Stacked Diagonal Wall, Diagonal Wall w/Lower Door, CLTCROWN8, SFM8, VFR8, SOFFITA, CPE8, SM8, BATTEN8, BLS36, WKO301836, WKODIV30, TD_, CABMAT_, SDR_-KIT, BCKM306, BCKM609, PCF, SBD, VLC, WBK_
Deleted TDK9-15, TDK12-01, TDK12-15
Corrected High Correction for Products - LC1884, VLC1874
Corrected Sizes for Box Hoods and made preset BHB_ modification for Hoods
Changed Sizes for WHPSVF_, WHSVF_, WHPAVR_, WHAVR_, WHSV_ , WHC36
Added Graphics for Top Slab Drawer
Corrected Graphics for Exterior
Changed Logo