Effective 1/5/2024


  • 1) TALK TO = Ownership for 1 year (details of communication must be noted in CMS).
  • 2) LEAVE VOICEMAIL OR SEND EMAIL = Ownership is 90 days (details of communication must be noted in CMS).
  • 3) LEAVE VOICEMAIL OR SEND EMAIL AND A REPLY HAS BEEN MADE = Ownership is 1 year (details of communication must be noted in CMS).
  • 4) TAGGING ACCOUNTS = Changing an account to your name without working it is not acceptable (details of communication must be noted in CMS).
  • 5) PERSONAL EMAIL BLASTS = You must have worked on account before sending personal email blasts (details of communication must be noted in CMS).
  • 6) If you do not talk to an account within 365 days, regardless of purchased or not, it will be put back into UNCONTACTED (use to be PULL UNCONTACTED).
    1. Do not coach/encourage dealer to send email making preferences to work with you.
    2. You must encourage prospect to work with current account manager. We are all a team.
    3. If you coach/encourage, you will forfeit commission.
  • 8) A TEXT OR EMAIL DOES NOT COUNT AS WORKING THE ACCOUNT unless you have called and left a message at least 4 times or spoke to a person. (Or if you call and find the client does not speak English.) Emails and texts are to be used as follow-ups, not direct contact.


1) Prospect must specifically ask for you (the requested account manager).

  1. If prospect does not request to work with you, there will be no claim.
  2. If rotation comes in and there is no mention of a specific account manager, there will be no claim. Prospect/dealer must specifically ask for you.


1) All requests must be submitted by customer and Val will re-assign it.


Manufacturer Representatives are very important to the growth of ProKitchen.  Therefore, as we grow, we must follow strict details on how man reps are treated and how we provide SPIFFS.

  • 1) Man rep must provide dealer referral in writing; which means communication must be copied and pasted into prospects CMS notes. Time and Date stamps must also be copied into prospects CMS notes.  This is your responsibility to obtain written communication.
  • 2) If the referred dealer is working with another account manager, ACCOUNT IS NOT OPEN. Which means you may not work the account.
    1. Standard rules of OPEN ACCOUNT will apply.
      1. Talk to – initial account manager owns account for 1 year.
      2. Leave message or send email – initial account manager owns for 90 days.
      3. If a message is left or email has been sent and a reply has been made – initial account manager owns account for 1 year.
  • 3) In the event of a rotation, if another account manager is working the account. THE ACCOUNT IS NOT OPEN. Which means you will have no claim to prospect.
    1. Standard rules of OPEN ACCOUNT will apply.
      1. Talk to – initial account manager owns account for 1 year
      2. Leave message or send email – initial account manager owns for 90 days
      3. If you leave message or send email and a reply has been made – initial account manager owns account for 1 year


Contact Time

  1. Left a Voicemail, email, or text message = 90 Days
  2. Talked to = 1 Year
  3. Response from Emal or text message = 1 year

Purchased Accounts

Stays with the account manager who sold it if they are still within the company and have followed the previous “Contact Time”’ rules. The relationship has been established. However, if the customer requests a new account manager, then it will be switched.

*All switches must be in writing by the customer and addressed to Val.


Changing Sales Reps Names in CMS

You MAY NOT change the account manager’s name unless the account has been pulled from the uncontacted list. Val or Abby must be notified of the needed change. Any changes to rep names will be changed from either Abby or Val, only.

Who receives the next Rotation

Abby will keep track of who rotations are sent to on a list of the sales-personnel by adding a tally next to their name on a separate tracking sheet. This sheet is alphabetical by first name. Abby will keep track of where the day starts in the name order daily. This sheet is sectioned off into four sections: Rotations, Non-Rotations, Golden Tickets, and Foreign Rotations. An email is sent to the entire sales team. Each email is searched through our CMS database by phone number, email (or domain), first and last name, company name, and account number (if given). Abby receives all rotation emails and checks to see if the account is either connected to an existing account manager or needs to be sent to someone.



  • If the email trail is not connected to an account manager based on our “contact Time Rules” they will be sent out alphabetically as a “Rotation Email”. All rotation emails are addressed in the subject line as:
    • Rotation – Sales Account Manager – Fw: ProKitchen Online Trial)
  • If the email trial is connected to an account manager through the “Contact Time” rules, then this account is “duped” to an account manager. These emails do not count against you in the rotation count. All Non-Rotations are addressed in the subject line as:
    • Non Rotation – Sales Manager- Fw: ProKitchen Online Trial
  • When looking up the IP address of each rotation email, some are found to be outside of the United States or Canada. These emails are also checked through their phone numbers, email addresses, company names, as well as first and last names to see if they are connected to an account manager already. But if they do not belong to anyone yet, one person each day oversees all foreign rotations. The list of who has foreign rotations is also documented by Abby in alphabetical order. If you find your rotation is a foreign rotation, please reply on teams for a replacement as well as forward the email back to Abby at  Foreign Rotations are addressed as:
    • Foreign Rotation – Account Manager – Fw: ProKitchen Online Trial


Replacements are given if a sales account manager receives a rotation that belongs to another manager, is an undiscovered foreign lead, undiscovered homeowner or a student. Abby will verify each replacement before a new replacement is given. If the person is granted a replacement, they are moved to next in line for a rotation temporarily. Replacements are addressed in the subject line as:

    • Replacement Rotation – Account Manager – Fw: ProKitchen Online Trial



If the email notes that they are a student, they are sent directly to Tim. Student Rotations are addressed as:

    • Student – Fw: ProKitchen Online Trial



Duplicates are if the same email is sent multiple times through rotations. The word “duplicate” is added to the subject line.


If a mistake was made and the rotation you received belongs to someone else, Abby will recall that rotation to send to the correct account manager. Recall Rotations will be addressed like the original rotation email but with the word “Recall” at the beginning.


Real View, Inc.

Delivery is what we promise and exceeding expectations

Honesty and integrity always

Inspired to care about the individual, organization, and community

Value everyone and work together for the common good

Committed to giving our best in everything we do.

We follow the golden rule in all we do… “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

ProKitchen Software by Real View, Inc. © 2024